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Kennel Club of Palm Springs New Year Classic 2025

January 2-5, 2025

Reserved Grooming Information

Reserved Grooming for the 2025 Show is now closed.


Due to fire, health, and safety concerns from the Riverside County Fire Marshall’s Office, NO PERSONAL GENERATORS WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE SHOW GROUNDS (except for use by the KCPS & contracted KCPS entities necessary for operation of the shows, and built-in RV units in the Overnight RV Parking Area.)

ALL Tented Reserved Grooming Spaces will have power and lights. Power to Grooming Tents will be available Thursday through Sunday starting at 6AM and will be turned off one hour after the last BIS each day.

Grooming Spaces are reserved for the duration of all 4 days of the show. Reserved spaces for shorter time periods are not offered. Exhibitors wishing to share grooming space and split costs with another exhibitor may do so, but the KCPS is not involved in that transaction and will not intervene in the event of scheduling and other dispute between individuals.

Cost for each approximately 10’ x 10’ space for 4 days with 20-amp power is $200.00 plus a non-refundable service charge of $20.00. You will need to have your own three (3) prong, 50 ft. extension cord to access power from the distribution box(s) to your space.

Access to reserved spaces will be available after 3PM on Wednesday, January 1, or when released by the Show Committee.

A list of the assigned reserved grooming spaces will be posted at the show site and on this website a few days prior to the opening of the show. 

The Kennel Club of Palm Springs, Group Clubs, Specialty Clubs and members of the KCPS, and/or contracted service providers assume no responsibility for damage/theft of personal property or injury to dogs at the show.


Reserved Spaces - Bring Your Own Canopy - BYOC

No power and no tenting provided. Spaces are approximately 10' X 10' and no personal generators will be allowed. There are a limited number of BYOC spaces and reservations are on a “first come, first serve” basis. Exhibitors will need to bring their own canopies (i.e., EZ-Ups), chairs, tables, etc.

Costs for the BYOC spaces are $100.00 each for the 4-day show weekend with a maximum of 4 spaces per person. BYOC spaces may not connect to electricity from the Reserved Grooming area.

For reservations or information, please contact FRANCES CONNER at 951-378-4040.

There will also be BYOC space available for obedience and rally exhibitors, at the same price and conditions as the regular BYOC spaces. These BYOC-OB spaces will be much closer to the area where performance events will be held.


Online Grooming Reservations are available beginning October 16, 2024. A Late Fee of $20 per 10' x 10' space will be added for reservations received after November 30, 2024. Online grooming reservations will close when all spaces are sold or on December 11, 2024, whichever comes first.

Please select the grooming tent you wish to be under. To assist in your selection of the best grooming tent for you, a layout of the show site is shown below. A list of the specialty ring assignments is also shown at the bottom of this page for your information. The Reserved Grooming Committee will arrange reservations under the tents after they are processed and received. Please note on your online form if you have box truck parking. If you wish to be placed adjacent to another exhibitor, please make your online reservations on the same day and indicate your request in the comments section of the reservation page. NOTE: If you reserve in different tents, we cannot and will not move you so you can be next to one another.


Although grooming reservations are recommended at our show, the Kennel Club of Palm Springs has No Cost grooming areas without power in selected areas. Non-Reserved Grooming areas will be available for set up after 3PM on Wednesday, January 1, or when released by the Show Committee.                                                                                                                                                           

  • Non–reserved grooming is available in areas not marked as “NO SET UPS”

  • No Set-Ups, X-pens or Grooming allowed in the main tented and un-tented aisles or fire lanes.

  • No Generators - All grooming areas must be at least 20 ft. from the rings. Spaces may be limited – arrive early. Please bring your own shade and chairs!


  • The show Committee reserves the right to relocate and/or consolidate spaces to accommodate exhibitors.

Click here for a PDF file of the show layout (as shown below):

Show Site 2025 v3_edited.jpg

Copyright 2024 by the Kennel Club of Palm Springs

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